Tmogasd az Egy Sima Egy Fordított Egyesületet!


Writing Sample

About things I am proud of or would have done differently

To Whom It May Concern,

I am very proud that the day before, even though I was asked what I was laughing at, I did not share the following joke with my professor, who is by the way leading the Gender Studies Department of your University: "Behind every successful man there is a woman, but behind every successful woman there is a man checking out her arse."

As for the latter, when the Vice Dean of our University asked me to provide insightful comments about a conference she is about to organize, my insightful comment was that she had made a typo in the invitation. Thinking back, I wish I had not opened my mouth at all.


saturninus said... annak azért örülhetünk, hogy annak idején M. cicánál sem a "fodrász", sem a "nyugdíjas" szavak nem hagyták el a szánkat a "nézzenek rám, mi jut eszükbe?" kérdés hallatán a kollokviumon.

Sara said...

már akkor is a megfontolt bölcsesség áradt belőlünk. és mi volt a megoldás?

saturninus said...

bevallom arra már - nagy bölcsességemben - nem emlékszem. talán tanár. (: